Saturday, February 28, 2009

Save on Gas

In case you are not already aware, H.E.B. has it's own relatively new credit card that gives you a 5cent per gallon discount on gas purchases at their pumps. Starting yesterday, and for the next five weeks (thru March), they are offering a promotion of a 25cent per gallon discount! Sounds like a good reason to look into that card! (Probably none of us need more credit cards, but I couldn't resist this one 'cause the savings mount up over time. I only use mine for gas, since I have another card that gives better rebates on everything else).
Let us hear about bargains you are aware of!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Restaurants where "Kids Eat Free"

Hi everyone! Did you know that kids can eat free at many restaurants in Austin? IF eating out is something your family enjoys, and you need to keep it within a frugal budget, go to and and look for "Austin Kids Eat Free List " (if it doesn't pop up as an option, type it in the 'search' box). The revised 2009 list should come up to show you exactly where and when you can take advantage of these freebies! Happy bargain hunting!

Grocery Deals for 2/25-3/3

Here are a few highlights of things that I felt were a good deal. Of course there may be others. Feel free to post other deals you find in the comments section or email me and I can post them. When applicable I am including information about additional coupons you can use on the deals to make them even better. Most coupons come from the Sunday newspaper or I might include a link for a printable coupon.


There are a lot of deals going this week at Randalls with varying dates of expiration. The single best day to shop if you can only get to the store once would be Saturday when you can take advantage of both the $10 off $50 coupon and the 48 hour sale.

SUPER COUPONS (can pick up copy of the ad w/coupons in store)
Save $10 off your grocery purchase of $50 or more valid Wed. 2/25 - Sat. 2/28 you will find this in this week's ad.
FREE 2 liter Pepsi product limit one with a minimum $10 purchase - 2/25- 3/3
Lucerne Butter .99 cents per lb. limit one with a minimum $10 purchase - 2/25- 3/3
Kellog's Frosted mini wheats or Raisin Bran .99 cents limit one with a minimum $10 purchase - 2/25- 3/3

48 HOUR SALE- Sat. and Sun. only!
Campbell's Select Harvest soups .88 cents each limit 8 use .50 cents off 2 from 2/1, 1/4 and 12/14 Smart source (exp. 2/28) = .63 cents each AND use the $1 off 4 from or HERE = .38 cents each
1 dozen Lucerne large eggs .97 cents limit 2
10 lb. bag russet potatoes $1.97 each / 20 cents per lb.
Tyson chicken nuggets 25 - 29 oz. $3.99

BEST BUYS (2/25-3/3)
Foster Farms split chicken breast, thighs or drumsticks .99 cents per lb.
Boneless skinless chicken breasts 1.77lb.
Rancher's reserve boneless chuck pot roast 1.96lb
Green or Red seedless coupons .88 cents per lb.
Strawberries 2/$3 1lb. containers
Del Monte Fruit naturals $1 use $1 off 2 HERE = .50 cents each
Safeway canned vegies .77 cents each
Safeway Select ice cream1/2 gallon $1.99


Red seedless grapes $.99 lb.
HEB natural chunk cheese 80z. 2/$3
Sanderson Farms whole chicken $.79 lb.

Various in-store "combo loco" specials

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Outside Support

Because we have so many who have lost jobs (or accepted pay cuts to keep them), we're starting this site off by discussing the resources we have to support our families. The first ones many of us think of are "inside" our networks of family, friends, and church. Each of those is wonderful, but is limited. Most of our families, friends, and wards are also struggling to handle burdens larger than their resources. So it's time to look "outside".

Following is a list of a few of the programs available to those with little or no income. (Don't automatically assume that you make too much. Many of the programs take into account your expenses and have income limits higher than you'd think.)

This should be your first call. They are a confidential, free resource for basic needs assistance. They can help you find resources for food, clothing, employment, financial needs, health care, housing, and transportation. They will gladly help you find exactly what you need for your particular situation.

Food Stamps
Apply online at or call 211 to find the nearest benefits office for an appointment. Be be prepared with documentation of your income, assets, and expenses as the application is very thorough.

Food assistance for children under age of 5, and women who are pregnant or nursing a child under 12 months old. Call 800-942-3678 to find your nearest clinic. (The Pflugerville office is 512-251-2120.) Your application appointment will include a medical exam for each person applying and discussion of their nutrition.

Medicaid and CHIP
Medical coverage for the entire family. There are quite a few different programs available and also private groups who will assist those in need. Call 211 to find out your options.

Health Insurance Premium Payment Plan
Already have health insurance, or don't qualify for a Medicaid Plan? Call 800-440-0493, or ask 211 if this is an option for you.

Utility and Rent Assistance
There are government and private programs available. 211 will be able to let you know which are available to you in your area. Additionally, if you qualify for (and receive) any type of government assistance, contact your electric company. For most, they will automatically enroll you in a program to reduce your bill.

Dental Care
There are many different groups who offer discounted or free dental care. Especially for children. Contact 211 to find one that matches your needs.

Angel Food Ministries
A food-relief organization. One order feeds four people for a week at a cost of about $30. There is no income requirement. AND, they accept food stamps. Our closest host site is Our Savior Lutheran Church at 1513 East Yager Ln. Their phone number is 512-836-9600 and you can order in person or online at The monthly order deadline and pickup date will be on our list of upcoming events. To view the menu for each month, visit

If you have additional resources to share with the rest of us, please add it to the comment section.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Here We Go!

"We need a way to share recipes."
"We need to work together to find the cheapest groceries."
"We need to be able to share our resources."
"We need to learn more about food storage."
"We need to know how to be self-reliant."

We've heard your call. Welcome to Wells Branch Self Reliant Sisters! Our intentions are to have several of us contributing on the above topics and more. Grocery deals, budget recipes, food storage, emergency preparations, and about all of the six provident living areas.

Please comment and let us know if there are other topics you'd like to see covered. Or if you'd like to help us cover them. We'd love the help!