When using your food storage, either to save on groceries or to rotate it, you can end up with many empty #10 cans. These can be used for some easy, fun, and useful gifts. And did I mention cheap?
(Please be careful to remove all sharp edges before reusing your cans. When opening new cans, be sure to continue the can opener all the way past the beginning point.)
Turn can over and drill two holes on opposite sides, just under the new top edge. String rope of appropriate length for kids to pull up when they step. Or try elastic to strap the cans to the kids shoes. Decorate with paint, markers, stickers, ribbon, etc.
Countertop Canisters
Spray paint the outside of the can and the plastic lid. Decorate as desired. Try handpainting designs, gluing on trim, decoupage, etc. Finish with several coats of Krylon spray coating so that the outside can be wiped clean.
Storage Canisters
Decorate as desired, finishing with Krylon if needed. Use to store kids craft supplies, garage items, whatever you can think of!
Building Toys
Spray paint or simply leave silver. They make great toys to build tall towers and pyramids, and are fun to knock down!
Can you think of any other uses? Email me and I'll add them to the list.
Also, if anyone is in need of cheap gifts but doesn't have any #10 cans, I have a dozen or so hanging around.