Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Use The Friend!
Did you know that on www.lds.org they have cataloged every issue of the children's magazine "The Friend" back to 1971?? If, like me, you're looking for some Christmas fun on a tight budget, I recommend looking at the December issues - they are packed with great and inexpensive ideas for decorations and gifts! They also have digital versions of the magazine back to 2001, with a feature in those issues called "Christmas Workshop" that is full of fun stuff. Here's how to access them: go to www.lds.org and up at the top click on "Gospel Library", then the pop up menu, select "Magazines"; that will take you to a new page where you will see all four magazines the Church offers; click on picture of "The Friend" magazine. This will take you to The Friend's main page where you can either look at digital versions of the magazine by clicking on the link on the right side of the page under "View Magazines", or you can look on the left hand side of the page for the "Past Issues" link. Want to see a sample of the Christmas Workshop feature in the digital version of one of the past issues? Click here and then look on the left hand menu for "Christmas Workshop" and click!